Saturday, July 2, 2011

Catching Up Continued (Gabbie)

Gabbie: So where to start with this little Lovin! She is so so funny. She is a happy girl. She is all over the place. We now have to put the chairs up on a large table to keep her from climbing and pushing them around the kitchen to get into anything out of reach. And most of it is out of reach for a reason. She loves the swings at the park! lets just say that we always have tears when it is time to leave.
She laughs at everything, and she has the cutest deep laugh. He favorite word is "This" she will point to things and say, "this" then shake her head no as we point to everything in the area. It its an awesome game (not)! She Can say Hannah, Mom, Hi Dad, nose, bup (up), tank you, and other little words, she also barks like a really high pitched dog and Seth taught her how to Baa like a sheep. And she gives the sweetest kisses:)
Gabbie is a joy she makes everyone happy. She has a smile that can change anyones day and is our little love!
whenever we get into the car she takes both shoes off and pulls her feet up to pick out her toe lint. So weird, as you can tell form the picture she is really into it.
She discovered McDonalds ice cream cones this summer and loves every messy moment.
And my oh my do we go through some serious popsicles in the Ludwig home. We love summer time and white onesies!

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